In accordance with the UPS contract, Contractors Direct will be closed on Monday, 1/20/25. We will resume normal business hours Tuesday, 1/21/25

Grinding And Polishing Equipment Buying Guide

Concrete Polishing Tools


There is a wide variety of concrete grinders available for any size application. You can use anything from a hand grinder for very small applications or edgework, or scale up to a remote-controlled, multi-head planetary grinder for large, commercial applications.

Here at Contractors Direct, we used a Husqvarna PG830 to grind and polish our new distribution facility in Hamden, CT prior to stocking it full of your favorite tools.

Planetary Grinders

Planetary grinders generally have 1 to 3 rotating 'heads' equipped with carbide or diamond tooling used for either grinding or polishing a floor surface. Most planetary grinders contain

Grinding & Polishing Tools
Carbide & Diamond Scraper Tools

These tools are used in the first step of surface preparation by removing glue, epoxy, or any other type of coating that may be left on the concrete floor after the initial demo process.